Thursday, March 5, 2015


In PART 1: VOLT TECHNOLOGY GAINS AND DELIVERS A NEW, MORE PROFESSIONAL EDGE, we explored how one of the first businesses integrated VOLT technology into their operations, and directly benefited from the professional image and efficiency the VOLT provided in a competitive market and environment. In PART 2, we continue our conversation with Steve Farrell, the owner of Los Alamitos, California’s Cali Stitches. Today, we’re talking to him about the practical application and advantages of VOLT technology as well as the professional installation and service support of Anatol Screen Printing Equipment.

Steve Farrell installed the VOLT into Cali Stitches operations in July of 2014. The technology, technical advantages, efficiency and dependability of the VOLT 10-Color, 12-Station, All Electric Servo Driven Automatic Screen-Printing Press allows Cali Stitches to respond to their customers’ needs with a higher level of quality products within reliable time frames.

As Cali Stitches added equipment to provide its customers with a wider range of services and products, Farrell explored options in screen-printing equipment. In comparing technical designs and engineering the VOLT caught his attention because of one outstanding feature – and that outstanding feature became the reason he selected VOLT for his operations. Servo-driven technology eliminates the compressor and chiller.

For Farrell this single feature separated the VOLT from competitive machines. He said, “I liked the idea of the registration being controlled by an servo indexer rather than by a pneumatic indexing system. With the servo we won’t have to worry about registration issues so we would be able to ensure proper registration on every job.”

What Farrell discovered, along with others that are now integrating the Servo-electric VOLT into their screen-printing operations, is that the removal of the pneumatic system eliminates frequent down time from faulty airlines, toggle switches and solenoid valves. Elimination of the pneumatic systems also improved the quality within the workplace environment by reducing sound pollution emanating from the compressor and chiller.

It’s been a beautiful machine,” noted Farrell. “With a lot of great features we really appreciate, like the 15-inch touch-screen controls.”

The Volt’s 15-inch touch-screen allows the operators to modify operations with a single touch to enhance production rates through printing efficiency.

Farrell also found the quality of the installation and follow-up service by Anatol Equipment to be a perfect match for the high level of performance and Servo-electric technology offered by the VOLT.

From its ability to efficiently deliver high-quality printing machines for its customers to the enhanced image to projects and the marketplace, the All-electric VOLT plays an important role for Cali Stitches. “It has shown our clients that we are investing in the best screen-printing technology to ensure the best outcomes for them,” says Farrell. “It ensures them that they will receive the best screen-printing available.”

For more about Cali Stitches, click here.

For more details about the technology and advantages of Anatol’s VOLT, click here.

1 comment:

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